These were just the orders that came in before noon! Afternoon brought a whole new batch of orders. And as quilters across the USA finally manage to watch the Simply Quilts episodes they taped during the week, more orders will be rolling in, especially this weekend.
The Simply Quilts show is phenomenal. Even though they stopped producing it, the reruns are still being watched and loved by quilters everywhere. We filmed that episode five long years ago, even before I wrote my second book! And yet every time it airs, I get a walloping batch of orders from all over the U.S.
If you haven't seen my slideshow of the filming, you really should click here or on the Flickr link on my sidebar and see some of the behind-the-scenes stuff. All the pictures were taken by my sister, Jane Ann Munroe.
The experience itself? I'm still recovering. When I left the studio that day, I felt like I had been run over by a train. It was all very intense and I felt entirely out of my league, quilt-wise. But I survived, and I'm glad I did it, even though I can't watch it without cringing! Alex Anderson was such a sweetheart--I think the world of that woman.
So my sewing day with Anne didn't exactly turn out like I had envisioned it, but that's okay. Anne got some sewing done while I tied bows and stuffed envelopes. Remember this picture from last week of Anne trying to figure out her Japanese Puzzle quilt?
I'm happy to say that she got it together and added a border:and she'll be quilting it any day. I, on the other hand, might be tying bows all week. But that's okay. You're totally worth it. But TOMORROW, I am DEFINITELY going to SEW. And tie some bows. But mostly sew. I hope.
I don't know the name of it, but it's got two different colors of flowers on it. There are silvery pink flowers and coraly red flowers. This bush is a puzzle to me. I've never seen nature get colors wrong, but this one just doesn't seem right. These colors clash! Would you ever make a quilt using those two colors together? But it's still pretty. Perhaps it's some type of Thumbergia? It's upright, but aspires to be a vine. It's got coily tendrils. Anyone?
Mmmmm...the mint is looking fine. We have many kinds of herbs in the garden. Basil grows huge here. Oh look, the horse next door is watching us:
Hello sweetie! Want an apple? My husband feeds the neighbor horse treats over the fence. He's a pushover for a pretty face.
I finished my Merino Lace socks from the Favorite Socks book. I'm really happy with the pattern and fit. I finished these socks a few nights ago and immediately cast on some more socks:
No, this is funny little green blob is NOT the beginnings of a Grinch sculpture, it's the beginning of a Monkey sock! I wanted to see what all the fuss was about this pattern. I like it already! It's all lumpy and funky, but when it's stretched out on a leg, it's really pretty! This yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd sock in Carol Green.
Hopefully, I'll get back into my sewing room tomorrow.
What a wonderful day. I love my friends...even the bossy ones. Meee-ow!
Postscript: Kauai made international news today (!) with this story: http://ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hpDxicG6Du5pjb8aUnH2aSJZ5U3g
Just thought you might like to see the groom, too. Isn't he a handsome guy? It was a lovely wedding.
(Jennifer and Michael--you know I'm only making jokes. No pressure, really. Only when you're ready. Because I am!!!!)
Giveaway Alert: Amanda at Busy Little Quilter is having a giveaway. Leave a comment on her blog and you'll have a chance to win a twenty-five dollar gift certificate to The Fat Quarter Shop. Sweeeeeeeet!
Obviously, the little wall quilt above is finished, not a UFO. I'm showing you this little quilt in its usual spot, which is above one of my old sewing machines in my dining room. My original idea was to make seasonal wallhangings for this spot. I wanted to do the same flower in all four seasonal colors and rotate them according to time of year. The quilt above is my "Fall."
This paper-pieced flower block is a Shirley Liby design, on the "Sew Precise" Collection 3 disc. (I modified the pattern to suit my vision.) Here is a close-up picture of it:
Winter is still unquilted. I have no excuse. I like Winter, but I sure am afraid of washing Winter after I'm done. I just know those white petals laundered with that dark blue batik...well...is there such thing as a blue daffodil? Probably not. But there will be once I wash it.
I think another reason I'm hesitant about Winter is that after I finish quilting Winter...I'll have to face Spring:
UGH!! I don't like this quilt at all. It gives me a headache just to look at it.
I'm not one for a pure pastel quilt. I need to "ground" pastels with other colors. But I don't know if it's just the pastels that make me dislike this quilt so much. Could it be a deeper underlying problem? Hmmmh. I'm going to go all Freudian on you here and wonder if I don't like this quilt because I don't like Spring all that much!
My mother and I dressed in our Easter outfits, circa 1964 in La Mirada, CA. My feet hurt in this picture and I did not like that hat at all.
Why don't I like Spring? I never have. It's too bright, and mornings start too early. For many years, I resented that time change thing that happens with Spring. It's still too cold outside, and Easter...ugh. My least favorite holiday. I don't like breakfast, eggs, ham, brunch, getting up early, putting on silly pastel dresses with stupid hats, uncomfortable white shoes that make your feet look gigantic, looking for eggs in cold wet grass, disgusting little marshmallow chickens, and giant rabbits at the mall. The whole thing makes me a little nauseous. The only thing good about Spring is the leafing and flowering of trees, bursting bulbs and all the beautiful flowers, which I adore, so I'll tolerate the rest of it.
So perhaps it not the quilt itself I don't like, perhaps it's the reminder of Spring that makes it so icky. It's not the poor sickening pastel quilt's fault. I should just stop whining and finish Spring and get it over with. I think dreading Spring has kept me from finishing Winter, so I should just do it, huh?
Wow. Another great quilt psychology breakthrough. I can't blame a quilt for Spring and I have a hanging sleeve hang-up. What do your UFO's reveal about you? (And "I'm lazy" is not a deep enough answer. We all have that....)
I took this photo when we were on "shore leave" in downtown Honolulu. It looks like the ship is just casually parked at the city mall or something. Like, "Oh! Dang! I forgot where I parked my ship...was it in the D or E section?" Ah well, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's funny. Probably because I'm always forgetting where I parked my car. If I had a funny big ship, I wouldn't have that problem. Heh heh.
To see more of my Quiltmaker Hawaii cruise pictures, you can click here to see my Flickr photoset: click here
Off to put something cold on my sore fingertips. Grrrr...*&^%% little bows....
This is a puakenikeni flower, the inspiration for my quilt:
It smells heavenly! "Puakenikeni" means "ten cent flower" because the locals used to sell them by the roadside for ten cents a piece. I'm told that was quite expensive at the time; I suppose the flower was rarer back then. This flower makes beautiful fragrant leis.
At the time I made my quilt, I thought the puakenikeni flower had only four petals, but as you can see, it has five. Ah well, babies can't count, thank goodness. I did look up other names of flowers that have four petals, but "Epilobium Angustifolium" didn't quite have the same ring to it. So Puakenikeni it is.
Let's get closer:
This little quilt would be honored to be someone's dear blankie.
The reverse, showing my leafy vine doodle. This picture is closer to the true color.
The flower block itself is made up of four traditional "Snowball" blocks. You just have to change the color of one of the corners and sew them together like this:
I used the following method so I didn't have to cut triangles: I cut a large white square and laid little squares on each corner right side down, then sewed diagonally as I have indicated in red. Trim seam, flip triangles, and press.