Pretty droopy, I'd say. Poor little saggy baggies. We need a new mailbag around here!
It is for this reason that I made ***SUPERBAG!!!*** (Insert theme music here.)
It's HEFTY! It's STURDY! It's BIGGER THAN A SOUP CAN! It's able to carry large postal loads without sagging hopelessly out it's reinforced-with-tagboard bottom!!
Here is its backside:
You know...I deserve a special reward today for not making the obvious puns about age, saggy bottoms, baggage, being an old bag, wishing to reinforce my droopy bottom--a veritable gold mine of age-related puns! I hope you all appreciate the self control it took.
And speaking of self-control, here's what happens when you run out of the self-control required to make an entire shaggy knitted rug:
Pulling all those knots through this cotton rug-to-be was not fun. I didn't feel like fighting with it any longer. So I seamed what I had knitted into a tube, sewed up the bottom, rolled over the top, added a fabric inside, a snazzy i-cord strap, and a few buttons. Et voila!
Monster Bag. He's watching you. Even Superbag can't help you now....
Feel like going on an outing? Next post, we'll journey to Kauai's south shore. A hui hou!
What a bright, perky ready-to-go new bag! Looks great! And what's its little companion to the right -- a key basket?
What a great new bag! Perfect for the mail run!
I love your new bags. That knit one is so cute! So happy and jumpy.
Glad to see you're doing your part to keep the Post Office in business! Your new bag is gorgeous, but the old ones still look pretty good. They'll be good for extra big mail days. I saw your Baby Honu pictured in the recent McCall's Quilting magazine. That might make your mailbag a bit heavier for a while!
The new mail bag is wonderful. The post really had me laughing! Another tour of Hawaii? I can't wait! We're heading into a couple of days of -23C or so, so pictures of sunshine and warmth will be a treat!
I love, love, love that knitted bag! It's bright, and darling, and bright, and knotty, and bright - just like me! Maybe that's why I like it! And the huge new mail bag is just wonderful, too. You will be able to handle all the mail now! We are leaving on Saturday for a week in Utah to hug on the grands! But I'll have internet service while there so I can go on the Tour de Hawaii with everyone else.
Oh, it's good to have you back. You crack me up! Saggy baggies....super bag...monster bag...
Love them!
That's a great mail bag! I'm sure your trips to the post office will be more enjoyable now. The fabric basket is really cute, too.
Wow! Especially your new posting bag is great! We are also starting a bag project at school! Have a nice week!
Well that is one great big firm bottomed bag !! (I should get such a compliment!) .... but there's still a place in my heart for that funky monster! (probably because it reminds me of my hair .... yes, we're still discussing MY HAIR !)
Lovely bags !! I an bag envious LOL ! Love the little basket too.
Enjoy your trip !
great 'new' projects...looks like it WAS time for new...hey, I love the yarn one!
Perfect new bag!
Cute writing style! I love the ending paragraph. Nice bag, lady.
Nice bags all in all and looks like you and your gals had a great time...just love to gather with the women...Nice Blog...God Bless....Lani
Those are some great new bags! The knitted one is adorable. You made me wanted to give knitting a trial again. :-)
What a beautiful new bag! And that adorable companion bag is fabulous!
Love your new version.... and those little fabric boxes are just gorgeous. Must make myself one of those.
That little shaggy bag is adorable. I love it!!! I use my Moda totes for mail day. I usually head out with two full. They are perfect.
Yeah the bags are really cute, but MAHALO NUI LOA for the pictures of Kauai. I miss our home on the north shore, and all the local sights along the way. It's just what I needed today
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