That was a nice quilty break. Did you get your postcards mailed?
Let's continue our trip, shall we? We've arrived at Poipu on the south side of our island, and we're watching Spouting Horn blow. I wish I could insert an image for scale here, because this thing is BIG, although it's hard to tell from this picture. Several stories, high, I'd guess. It spouts every few minutes, depending on the wave action from below--sort of like our version of Old Faithful! There's always a rainbow in it, at least when I'm here.
An occasional whale swims by in the background, and it is awe-inspiring to watch. This is February, so there are lots of whales out there today. Sorry, I couldn't get a good picture of never know when they're going to breach or spout. They don't come when you call, either.
There is a lot of new building going on down here in Poipu. Well...that is, there WAS a lot of new building. With the economy slowing down, many new developments have halted. Here's the site of a new development that didn't quite catch on:

We're on the corner of....uh...Ala Kalanikaumaka and Ala' it wouldn't be such a great place to live. You'd never be able to fit your address on a standard size mailing envelope.
Let's continue down these new roads and work our way down to the beach.

Ready for a swim? There are only a few people out today enjoying the waves.

He's not a big fan of fish and seaweed and other things he can't identify. I think it's the Nebraskan in him. He'll sip his strawberry shake as we head home.
Back home again, where Mr. Bigglesworth is waiting for me to get to work making patterns and tying bows. I have quite a few pattern orders to go out--I better get busy!

It makes me smile to think of my little Honu swimming all over the world.
Back to work for me. I hope you enjoyed your Hawaiian vacation; let's do it again soon.
Your hubby is from Nebraska? How cool. Tell him Go Big Red! for me.
Ah! More great pictures that bring back great memories. Except for the food - that looked divine! - but we didn't have anything that looked that good.
(BIG sigh......) such a lovely day you think I could possibly park a rusty RV at the corner of Ala Kalanikabippityboppity boo St and Ala Kikikimonga St since all other development of that lovely little property is at a stand still ? (just kidding .... we don't have a rusty RV .... but we do have a tent with mildew ) .... that looks like a lovely spot to camp!
....ummmm....and about that lunch of yours vegetarian hubby would probably LOVE it ... but me ... I think I'd have to go for a strawberry shake with your guy!! (except for the spring roll ... now those would be good with a strawberry shake!)
Thank you for the tour again! As you know I love whales and also lunch with fish, seaweed and salads!!! Those street names could almost be from Finland! KALA= fish in Finnish! I thought mr. B was waiting for fish dinner there!LOL!
Sigh... now I am really homesick!!
Was hoping you'd get all the way to Kapaia Stitchery and take a photo of my sis for me!
Wonderful photos...and what is the water termperature there? Here the ocean temp hovers around 40 right now.....brrrrr......About the lunch, I am with your hubby on that one. I am NOT a fish person (which causes me to be teased a lot since we live in an area that has many seafood restaurants). Congrats on your quilt being in the current issue of the magazine. I'm so sorry our tour is over....I wanted to stay LONGER.
I've never seen a strawberry at Burget King, hummm....
Amy - who east sushi, seaweed & Burger King :o)
especially the onion rings - that don't really look like onion rings...
I needed that extra day of vacation this morning. I'm sitting here in my office freezing in spite of the fleece jacket and wool socks. It was nice to daydream about buying that lot at the end of that street with the view of the moutains behind it.
Thanks for a great start to my Friday!
Oh how I want to go back to Kauai. We just got another dump of snow here - ARG!!!! I am so tired of winter.
Perhaps you can have an outting to Kapaia Stitchery and show us what new and lovely Hawaiian fabrics they have this year. I always have so much fun there. Well I guess I just have to dream until next year when our vacaion to Kauai is scheduled.
Mr. Bigglesworth seems to be asking where his lunch is? We should have brought him a little snack *s*
I've had a great time riding along on your trip. I had stopped visiting while you were on your bloggy break. So nice to see you back again.
I lived on Oahu for 3 years, and did get in one short trip to Kauai--about 2 months before Iniki. At the Hanging Gardens they were still talking about the damage from a hurricane in the 1950's. Hubby spent a couple weeks on hurricane relief efforts in September 1992, and saw everything from a helicopter.
it's beautiful...thanks for the pics! my hubby used to live in aiea on oahu before we were married and he was always correcting me when i'd try and pronounce the hawaiian names. i'd have problems with those two!
My name is Georgina and I wish our day trips had scenery like this! We live on East Coast in CT. Even in the summer months the only water you want to place your body in is Wildwood, NJ. Can't wait for fall to visit Kauaii again and spend at least two half days at Kapaia Stichery. I hope you didn't have to drive the tree tunnel at night or in a rain storm! Ciao
Thank you for the mini vacation. As one who will never make it to Hawaii, it was wonderful to see!!!
kate from Nebraska
I had Ahi Tuna for lunch today too :-) I wish I had spring rolls to go with it though :-(
That was delightful as always. Thank you, kind Lisa, for sharing Paradise with us. My son was just saying he has HAD IT with all this snow and is ready to move somewhere warmer. :>}
yep, there i am turning the pages in my new mc calls mag and there ya go again.....i will never get over the two page add for your last dorky book....hey, i know her, wow, she got a lot of space proud of you lisa.when we first met you were a hand piecer and quilter...youve come a long way baby... :-) !!!!!! xo
Thanks for the wonderful tour -- made me almost feel warm as we await the next big winter snowstorm.
Mr. Bigglesworth looks like he's a great inventory control manager!
I hope you don't mind if I borrow your "Postcards from Hawaii" quilt pattern. Actually I am modifying it and making 3x5 postcards since it is for a baby quilt. It is the prettiest quilt I've ever made, and I thank you so much for the idea. I love all those bright colors surrounded by white. It is my new favorite pattern! (For years and years I only made "Trip Around the World" quilts)
Aaaaah. These views are just breathtaking. You're field trips are the best! Although I must admit, I'll pass on the seafood and just head to BK w/your hubs for lunch ;)
I would prefer to lunch with hubby not YOU!!! I'm just sayin!!! lolol
Thanks for the lovely Virtual Hawaiian Vacation Day. Lovely photos!
I saw your Baby Honu in McCall's too. It's a cute one. I think I have the pattern in an older magazine that I saved for "one" of those future projects.
Aaah....Life is good! Beautiful quilts!
Life is Good all right! Thanks for the vacay, baby Honu looks wonderful in the magazine, you're staying busy, as always!
I would totally scarf down your lunch! Love the street signs and love that I can pronounce them. Our first house on Oahu was on "Forward Place". You have no idea how hard that name was for most on the mainland. "Ford?" they'd say. "No... forward, as in opposite of backward" and then they'd ask me the lightning round question... "what does it mean in English?"
And super congrats on Baby Honu in McCalls!!!
I'm giddy giggly... maybe we'll be on the newsstand together! Your mag can talk to my mag...
M mag: Hi Lisa!
L mag: Hi Monica!
M: How ya doin'?
L: Great. You?
M: Terrific. Wanna do lunch?
While I am late for the vacation it is due to the fact I was shoveling snow! I was in Kauai last April for a few days and loved seeing your posts. I got lunch at the fish stand on day. Funniest part is that I bought your first book to read on the plane not knowing you lived in Kauai. I just liked the title.
thanks honey----- what a great day. I wanted to crawl right into your bento box----- yummers.
I absolutely love Sushi and seaweed salad, and I'm from Milwaukee (and I oughta know!). I can't get over the sky in's completely different from the sky over Australia and Europe. So beautiful. Thanks for the virtual tour!
I bought your Baby Hanu pattern in Jan. 2004 when on a quilting cruise. You were in the shop and autographed it. I have been waiting for more grandkids ... one finally due in Sept. so I'm working on it now. Love your books, too. And we love Hawaiiand your photos.
Love your pictures. We love Kauai and will be going back in February. What a great quilting group too. I just found your blog but will certainly check back.
I just found out the blog is alive, and am catching up. I had to laugh at your comments on the street names, because there's a Hawaiian-named finalist on So You Think You Can Dance. They had him say his whole name, and Nigel said somebody was going to have to figure out how to fit it on the screen!
Am loving visiting Kauai again with you. Mmm, lomi salmon, seared ahi...this might get my husband reading.
I also had to laugh at your comment about the people in shorts in the middle of winter, eating ice cream outside! Living in southern California, I cover up skin at 70 degrees, and judge the warming days of summer by the amount of footwear (shoes with socks [low 70s], Keds-type shoes [high 70s], or sandals [above]). We all have our own thermometer.
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