Simply This, That, and the Other's Jodi! Congratulations, Jodi. You were selected by a random number generator out of 124 entries (after eliminating duplicates and adding email entries).
Thanks so much to all those who entered--I wish I could send a prize to each and every one of you! It was fascinating to see where you all live (brrrr! and ahhhhh....) and what the day was like for you. I loved hearing about what you were cooking (or where you were going out to dinner), what you were sewing, and what your job was like, etc. Everyday life is fascinating, don't you think? I enjoyed all your comments so much!
We'll do this again soon.

Congratulations to Jodi. AND....that photo you have with today's post is GORGEOUS (I say as I sit and look out the window at the rainy, cold day here). *sigh*
that is from that hotel at ship wrecks, cant remember what its called. nice shot...........
Wahoo !!! So stinkin excited! Thank You Lisa. I can't believe I won! ooxx`jodi
It looks like we've arrived. . . but where are we? Is it by chance the Waipoli Hotel? I've been fantasizing about going there ever since you posted the entrancing pictures last year. (And I don't go places, so this is a breakthrough for me!) :>}
Oh, wow -- that is the most gorgeous photo!! It has been snowing and raining here, so that looks like absolutely paradise!!
Congratulations to Jodi! It is so nice to see that photo. I love to see water! -10 C degrees outside and I am having flu and off from work.
Congrats Jodi! HAve fun with the Hula girl print. Lisa this was so nice of you to do and I agree, everyday life really rocks!
Congrats to the winner . . . . but really aren't we all winners? We got to go on a fun trip *s*
I as usual am late for the party, shocking. LOL Congrats to Jodi, and thank you for that lovely picture on such a dreary day.
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