"Postcards from Hawaii," Lisa Boyer 2009
I'd like you to meet my latest quilt, "Postcards from Hawaii." I wanted to make something very simple and modern-looking with lots of white and lots of quilting. I already had these colorful Hawaiian print 4X6" scraps leftover from a fabric postcard class I taught, so I thought I would sash them up and see what happened.
The texture shot. I wanted lots of simple texture, so I machine-meandered with my Bernina using white Bottom Line thread on top and bobbin. I haven't stippled in a long time! It was relaxing not to have to worry about elaborate quilted daisies, chicken heads or vines.
I love how these postcards all work together. I didn't fussy cut a single one! They're not all centered and fussy--I like that.
Such pretty colors in these prints.
The sashing fabric is Kona Cotton "Snow." It's not exactly white--it's a creamy white. I think it makes the white-white in the postcards sparkle.

Even though I didn't fussy cut any fabric, I'm amazed to find that this guy ended up in a perfect little scene:
Forever surfing on a purple wave. I love him!
I suppose you noticed that word "Giveaway" in the title, huh? How about a half-yard of one of my favorite Hawaiian prints ever?:

And I'll throw in these charm squares, too, for a little MORE color.
Leave me a comment on this post telling me who you are (your web name is fine), where you are, and what you are doing today. Something like: "My name is Lisa, I live on Kauai, and today I'm knitting a green and red sock, making chicken chow mein for dinner, and writing a blog post about my new quilt." Make sure I have a way of replying to your email.
I'll draw a winner's name on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at noonish, Hawaiian time. Remember it's a lot earlier here than where you are...it may be Thursday for my friend Anne in Finland, for instance! (Hi Anne! Happy Day-after-Valentine's Day to you!)
Our trip to Poipu resumes on the next post. Good luck!
Edited on February 18th, 2009 to add: The drawing is now closed. Thanks for all your comments!
Oh how I hope to win!!! I'm Connie W, known as Cootie Bug in blog-land; because I'm still sick with some yukky bug I'm staying home this evening. While trying to watch a romantic movie on DVD "Rome Adventure" (from the sixties), I fell asleep and missed half of it. Tonight I plan to watch "Pride & Prejudice (for the umpteenth time) because it's such a beautiful love story. Although The Doc offered to take me out for dinner, I wasn't up to going out, so I did easy cooking, pork chops in the crock pot with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce...soo good.
Happy valentine's day!
Aloha!My name is Gay and I am spending the day packing to move to our new home about 1 mile away.Excitment is building as my new sewing studio will be my Hawaiian room filled with photos and memories of my family's life in Hawaii after WWII and from my visits to the islands.
I love your little tour vacations!
Hello, I'm Serena from Melbourne Australia. Today (it's Sunday late morning here) I'm tidying my house, whilst smelling the smoke from the bushfires coming through my flywire door. My bunnies are lazing outside and I'm waiting for my sister to arrive as she's visiting me today. I'm about to make myself another cup of tea - Orange Pekoe. I'm also thinking about how I need to water my plants as most of them are dying from the recent heat....
I'm Julie from the mountains of Ca. Today I helped Honey clear the snow in the driveway and unbury my car so I could go to town & get more groceries before the next storm rolls in tonight. I bought more thread & basting spray so I can quilt all week if we get snowed in. I'm dreaming of Kauai and wishing I could get some shave ice at JoJo's. Mahalo for the chance to win your fab giveaway.
Luv, luv, luv your postcards.
First of all, I LOVE your quilt! So much fun.
Secondly, my name is Libby. Today I have been catching up with friends on the phone, job searching on the internet, and trying to finish a donation baby quilt top that is giving me all kinds of trouble design-wise. I do love that print; I would love it to be mine :) Thanks for making the offer.
Hi, I'm Cathi from Ontario, Canada.
Your quilt is fabulous -- so cheerful and such clean lines to it.
Thanks to an early February thaw, we currently have no snow on the ground, which is a nice treat but nothing even close to the treat the tour of Hawaii has been! I'm just about to start cutting out the pieces for a trial block -- tessellating quarter apple core shapes in some bright Fassett prints.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi, I go by lilsis. I L.O.V.E. Postcards from Hawaii. It is just fabulous. As today is almost over, I'm not doing a whole lot right now. Just finished painting my daughters finger nails... and I'm considering going into the sewing room. I'll probably end up catching up on the blogs I like to read.
Hi, I'm Janet in Indiana. Our son, daughter-in-law and little grandson are visiting this weekend and we're babysitting tonight so the new parents can have a Valentine's dinner out. I don't mind though, he's a sweetie!
Loved the island tour!
I'm Becky from Atlanta, GA. I've spent most of the day sewing a T-shirt quilt and listening to Brisingr on my Ipod. My honey cooked dinner for us. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
Hello, there...I'm Pat (blog name: A Little of This and a Little of Pat). I lived most of my life in NJ and now am living in southern DE in the beach area but not, sadly, like YOUR beaches. *sigh* Tonight I am waddling around the house after having eaten too big a Valentine's Day lunch AND dinner. I am going to work a little bit on a fun wool-felt pincushion I'm making as a gift for a friend who has helped me with some things recently. I've only recently discovered your blog but quickly became a follower as you are so much FUN and I love the tour photos. :) That postcard quilt is wonderful....AND...your giveaway prizes are super-terrific. So...throw my name in the hat, please!
I love that print! It's so cute and fun. :D
My name is Melinda H. I'm in Independence, MO. Today, we cleaned house for a bit, then we went to the furniture store to look at bunk beds for our two girls. We had a heart shaped pizza and red jello for dinner, and now we are watching "The Secret Garden." After that's over, I'm challenging my oldest to a new game on our Wii. It's been such a fun Valentine's this year.
It's me - Libby from sort of sunny southern California. Today was partly spent learning the ins and outs of a new cell phone. The rest of the time spent trying out a creme brulee recipe in hopes of a 'wow' Valentine's Day dessert. Keep your fingers crossed *s*
Hi Lisa, my name is Jane and I love your blog. Today my husband and I have been tearing our bedroom apart. We are getting a room makeover after 13 years here. I have parts of my bedroom scattered throughout the main living areas of my house right now. It's not the most romantic way to spend Valentines day, but at least we have spent it together. It sure is a good thing I have been enjoying a Hawaiian vacation this week.
I love your Hawaiian Postcard Quilt! Very Beautiful. I have a brother that lives in Hawaii, I visited there once. My name is Carol and I live in Glendale, AZ. Today I'm looking around at some fun blogs and planning a Irish Chain quilt that I'm going to start soon with green fabric for March and St. Patrick's day. See, I have a plan to make a bunch of quilts and then make a calendar of my quilts. I would love a chance to win your drawing.
Hi, my name is Joyce and I am sitting here drooling over your beautiful white quilt. My favorite thing is lots of brights with either black or white sashing. You hit the nail on the head with this one!
Aloha from KF in MI! What a fabulous quilt! I am spending the day polishing off my round of edits for a book I'm co-authoring with a transplanted Hawaiian! Don't you think your fabric would help me make her a very special quilt project to remind her of our collaboration??? She misses Maui like crazy, so this would be a great way to remind her of home. Mahalo!
Hello my name is Wendy and i'm updating my blog today and picking up some fabric at the quilt store.
I have an unidentified designer fabric on my blog that i'm hoping some of you can help me identify! Check it out!
We're having Popeye's takeout for Valentine's dinner - romantic!
Hi Lisa! My name is Renee and I'm so glad that you are blogging again. I am in rainy Santa Cruz, CA, planning my Thanksgiving trip to Kauai. That is why I am thoroughly enjoying your current blog theme! I like to read it with my HI map on my desk so I can make notes on where I want to visit when I get there. What's your home address, by the way, so I can stop and help you paint your sewing room?
When you draw my name, you can contact me at:
Luv you to pieces!
Hi Lisa... it's me Howdy (aka Cheryl). Today I wrote a post on my blog about some quilts I finished and showed off the new sock yarns I picked up and my second sock I have started... so far all I know how to do is start Toe-up socks. I watched the NASCAR race and then I spent some time cutting some strips for a new project... I'll be calling it "Sunshine in My Garden". Not that I have a garden or sunshine for that matter as we've got light snow outside now. My husband sent me a nice mixed potted plant for Valentines Day... so I do have some mixed greens and small flowers to enjoy.
I do love your new quilt - crisp... very crisp and the colors just sing... I can hear a fun Hawaiian tune!
I look forward to the next part of your tour!
Always, Howdy
My name is Jana and I am so glad you're blogging again! Today I went to a romantic lunch with my husband. Then, he went to work at the dinner theater here in town, and I drove my kids an hour each way to surprise my parents with cookies. It was well worth it.
Hi Lisa, I am Phyllis from Richmond, VA and today I have been working on a dress for a friend's engagement party next week, planning our vacation this year to France and Prague (looking for quilt shops along the way) and enjoying French wine for V-Day! I am so glad you are blogging and the fabrics remind me of our wonderful trips to Maui in recent years.
I read your books this summer and they were so uplifting and provided much needed laugher when my father was very ill. Thank you!
Aloha! sewmuch2do@hotmail.com
Hi, I am Nancy from St Louis. I visited my favorite quilt store this morning, sewed this afternoon and DH took me for BBQ for dinner. A perfect day in my book!! Our son is out on his first official date tonight, so I will be staying up late to wait for him....LOL
I ADORE the postcards quilt. Will there be a pattern or can you tell us how big those sashing pieces are? I am dying to make an almost white quilt....
I'm Nichole and I live in Iowa. Today I cleaned my house from top to bottom and then went out to a lovely dinner with my husband to celebrate v-day. Great day, and now I am beat! I LOVE your quilt. It is just perfect. Such a fun group of prints and the white serves as a perfect balance to all that color and activity. Fantastic job all around (designing, piecing, and quilting!) Pick me! Pick me! I want to make a quilt like yours!
Elaine Adair, sea1mseb@bbc.net in western Nebraska, USA. Hey, I'm game for that fabric - YOUR use of the rectangles turned out nice!
Washing clothes, just finished working on my DD mystery quilt, and while the washer nears finish, I'm checking out some fav blogs!
Hi Lisa! I LOVE the postcard quilt and all the bright prints. They are beautiful!
I'm Lisa also. We've "talked" before. I made you send me a couple of your sweet patterns with those cute but painful bows on them. I live in piedmont North Carolina and today Shelby and I walked in a 1.5 mile dogwalk to raise money for the Humane Society. The rest of the day was spent hanging around the house, putting the borders on one quilt, starting a fat quarter bag and doing some hand applique. Well, that's what I did; Shelby mostly napped.
What a gorgeous quilt. I absolutely love it.
I'm Andi (patchandi.blogspot.com) and today I've been madly quilting my chuppah - a canopy under which my beloved and I will be getting married.
Happy Valentines Day.
Andi :-)
I'm Pam aka Mama Spark in blogland. I was sewing on my chubby chicks quilt for a sister church to use for a raffle. I really love your Hawaiian quilt, so modern and so simple. Thanks for the offer of sharing your beautiful fabric with us too!!
My name is Jennifer L. I live in Houston, Texas. I love your quilt! It's beautiful and so simple. I spent Valentine's Day by going to McDonald's for breakfast, and then again for lunch, and then for dinner--we ordered a heart shaped pizza. Not a healthy day, but a fun one. I also bought two new quilt magazines. What could be better than that? My sister lives on Oahu, so last summer I flew to visit her. I went to a fabric store and it was ALL hawaiin fabric. Totally fun. Happy Valentine's Day from Texas.
I'm Sharon in Oregon. Today I took Pumpkin's things to the cattery at the local humane society. Pumpkin was the most important thing in the world to us. Late yesterday the vet came to put him to sleep. I was happy to see that there were fewer cats than I usually see when I visit the humane society. That means they are getting adopted. After a few months, we will go back to adopt another one to love. I like your postcards quilt, and made one similar with black Moda Marbles sashing. Pumpkin loved to lay on it - and any other quilt that was laying about. I'd like to know where I can buy those beautiful Hawaiian prints for my own quilts. ssauser@dishmail.net
What beautiful fabrics! I'm Diane and I am in Alabama. Hubby and I went out for a Valentine's dinner and now we are home and watching the Star War's movies! What a way to spend an evening!
Have a Blessed Day,
Hi I am Michelle from Atlanta. I spent today admiring the roses my wonderful DH gave me for Valentines Day-- a total surprise!! I also went food shopping, took my daughter to her riding lesson, cooked sloppy joes for dinner, and chatted with some friends online. I love your blog and your books and your Postcard Quilt!!
Hi Lisa, I am Anne living in Kuopio FI. I just woke up and to see all the mess in our livingroom. We have today very many crystal glasses, vases and other glassware to clean to move them all into two new vitrines. I make beefsteak with potatoes and salad for lunch and some berry dessert. If we have time we go to ski on the lake Kallavesi, make a campfire to grill sausages, have some sandwiches with coffee or hot juice there.
I love your postcard quilt!!! I am now thinking I could make Postcards around the world quilt instead of Trip around the world.
Hi Lisa. I love you bright quilt! It looks so comfy to curl up under. I'm Vicki (Quilts and Other Stuff), and live in northern Arizona. Today I helped hubby remove 4 inches of ice from the driveway, before we have our next snow storm. We also fixed mash potatoes, a heart shaped meatloaf, and asparagus for a candlelight dinner, with chocolate dipped Strawberries for dessert. It was a very nice Valentines day! I love bright fabrics, and would love to win your give-away.
Well first let me say I love your quilt, it is beautiful!
Then, I am Vanessa, I live in the UK (Wiltshire)- now that the snow has gone I want to sort out my shed. My shed is full of all things I craft !! I need to get to the bottom of it and give to charity things I am not going to use !
Hope you have a great Sunday !
Love, Vanessa
hi! This is Ann from Denmark.
This is my first visit to your blog ever. I came across some of your beautiful photoes at Flickr adn wee, one link led to the other :)
It is Sunday morning here, and in ½ an hour we are going to some friends' baptism of their little William. No special plan for the rest of the day, except for lasagne for dinner, with some salad :p.
Hello everyone!
My name is Denise but everyone calls me Nour (which means 'light' in arabic) I live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with my husband and two persian cats. Today I'm making vegetarian chili and I'm getting my 'show 'n tell' ready for our monthly meeting of the Riyadh Quilt Guild. I made a 'carrot' table runner from strips of orange batiks. Check out our blog at www.riyadhquiltguild.blogspot.com. Lisa, you're going to get a lot of comments on this post but pick me!!!!
Hi Lisa, I'm Tine, I live in Copenhagen, Denmark. Today I am busy...trying to get ready for a new student job I start tomorrow, also needing to do a little reading for class next week. On top of that my two little ones have a bad stomach-bug and....all I really want to do is go to my sewing room for some crafty therapy :) Lol!
Hello Lisa, I just love all your quilts. You are so talented.
My name is Jeannie Gan from Wellington, New Zealand. I did 2 loads of washing, cut out last 2 borders for a small quilt that I started 1 week ago (I hope to get it finished by 21 Feb for my close friend's 50th). I went to book and pay my air ticket to Malaysia this July for my Mum's 80th and reunion with my brother (from Vancouver) whom I haven't seen for 20 years. I hope to win so that I can make a quilt for my mum. I'm sure she will LOVE it.
After the travel agent trip, I did grocery shopping, cook Nacho for dinner and now doing a bit of net surfing. Phew...what a day!
I love your postcard quilt. I've been thinking about a largely white quilt - you're inspiring me.
My name is Janis, I live in the Midwest, about an hour due east of St. Louis. I just finished a baby quilt for my niece and today I'm thinking I may tackle that kitchen curtain for myself that I've been putting off. For supper, I'm thinking clam linguine -- my latest favorite, I found it on Ree Drummond's Pioneer Woman blog. Since my husband won't eat that, maybe pork chops for him. :)
Enjoy your tropical paradise, it's going to be cold here today!
Hi, I'm Suzan. I lived on Oahu as a child and returned for my 53th birthday. My best friend lives in Oahu and I would love to make him a quilt using your quilt as inspiration! It is just before 7am where I am in Pennsylvania and we had snow again last night. I can't wait to see green again!
BTW - I really enjoyed the recent "tour" of Kauai on your blog.
Very nice and contemporary and in distinctive Lisa way!
Hi I'm Kelly, from Missouri. My son got me up at 6:00 this morning and he's running around full of happiness! I am catching up on reading blogs and wishing I could go to Hawaii. It looks so warm and sunny. My husband and I got married in Maui and we love it there. I love your Hawaii quilt and have a few fabric from there already. Would love some more! Thanks.
Hi I'm Nancy from Pennsylvania. Today I am reading your blog, cutting binding strips and sewing them on a tablerunner-placemat set, and working on my lesson plans for school.
What a neat giveaway.... thank you!
Hi, I am Donna from Arizona. Today I am going to finish putting the sashing on a scrappy quilt I am making. But first I am taking my dad on his weekly trip to Walmart.
Love your blog and your quilt. That would be a great simple pattern for an ispy quilt.
Have a great day.
Hi---I'm Mary from Colorado. I plan to quilt a top today; I've avoided it for a while. I don't do a great job so avoid a lot. I'll probably be making reusable shopping bags from pillowcases and sandwiching the quilt for my niece.
Hey girl. I'm Sandy from West Virginia. Today we're having a big family breakfast for belated Valentine's Day. Our DD#2 is here visiting too. Later I plan to work on another scrappy charity quilt.
I have been wanting to gather some Hawaiian fabrics for a quilt. Any suggestions where to buy a collection of fat quarters? Thanks.
What a wonderful quilt ... I love simple and scrappy. Aloha
Oh, I love it! I have some fabrics from Kauai, I should make one of these so I can get something made with those fabrics! Do you have a pattern for sale? Or maybe I bought a pattern for my fabrics, already. Hmmmm.
Okay, My name is Michelle, and I live in Los Angeles. Today I will either sew or knit - I have a sweater I need to work on and a quilt I want to work on. I don't know what's for dinner. *sigh*
Greetings from Toronto Canada, I'm Diane. Today I'm cutting out fabric for two BOM's and shortening three pairs of pants.
It's a beautiful sunny winter day here perfect to hole up in my sewing room and dream of being in Hawaii.
Oh, lovely and fun!!
I'm Julia from WA, today I'll be baking a loaf of bread, tidying my living room, finishing all the laundry OR just lazing about, it is Sunday after all.
Hi, my name is Andrea, and I live in cold northern Illinois. I always enjoy your blog, although I've never been to Hawaii, I can take a trip there through your blog. Today is Sunday, after church it is a day of handwork while I watch the Daytona 500 with my husband. If I am lucky enough to win, my email is tascon100@aol.com
Hi Lisa, I LOVE that quilt!! I am Denise in PA, live in the Philly suburbs and and currently need to get off the computer so I can start my day! Sundays are "family dinners" when the kids (1 son, 1 DIL, 1 DGS, and our daughter) come home for dinner (I'm SO glad they like us enough to come every Sunday - LOL!) Before that I need to load a quilt onto the longarm and also want to work on on my applique quilt.
Hi Lisa - my name is Becky, and I live in Lompoc, CA on the beautiful Central Coast :-) Today I'm going to finish quilting a quilt for my friend who puppy-sat for me a few weeks ago, and I'm thinking fried rice and some sort of chicken stir fry for dinner.
Thanks for the Kauai photos - my favorite place on earth is Hanalei Bay, so it's been great fun to see some familiar territory. Our last trip to Kauai was in August to celebrate my 50th birthday and our 15th anniversary. I'm jealous that you actually get to live there ALL the time...
I love the postcard quilt - its a great showcase for all of the gorgeous colors and prints!
Love your "Postcards from Hawaii quilt," you met your goal of elegant and simple. I'm resting today in Defiance, Ohio after a big Valentines Day. We had a family gathering to make soup and sushi yesterday, ending the day with a dinner and dance at our Elks club here in Defiance. Your blog is so uplifting for me, I miss it when you don't have time to update it! God bless you and your family. tingle5616@roadrunner.com
Hi Lisa:
I am Carol, from DeBary, Florida, about an hour from Orlando. I am working on a Bloomin' Steps Scrap Therapy quilt which uses lots of 3 1/2 inch and 2 inch squares. I am also using the Kona Snow creamy white for my background! Last year I went to Kauai and bought your Baby Honu quilt pattern which I hope to get made this year. I really love your blog. carolann427@aol.com
Hawaiian fabric just makes me smile!
I'm BetsyE from the rainy Pacific Northwest. We've been out of town, so I'm catching up on blog reading, doing a little grocery shopping (talk about Mother Hubbard's Cupboard), and hoping to go pick up my kitty Sigmund from his grandparents' house. We'll see if I can unearth my sewing room... I'm so inspired by your quilt!
I'm Cara in Florida. Today's a rainy Sunday, and I'm just home from Church. I've started a load of laundry, have good intentions about a thorough kitchen cleaning and hope to block the silk shawl of made my sister for a bridal gift. If I still have 'free' time after all of that, I'm thinking I'll cut more of the 300 tumbler blocks needed for my first scrappy quilt.
Sharon Treasures
Love your blog. I'm catching up on a few of the blogs I read. Will be putting stuff on ebay this afternoon.
I'm Nell. I'm in Dublin, CA. And today I'm making enchiladas and trying to get over my cold/flu.
My name is Paula, and I live in Whistler, BC, Canada - where it is sunny but cold! I'm spending the day cleaning up my quilt room and finishing details on a couple of little projects - like button holes on cushion covers. I also washed and ironed my latest little fabric aquisitions, and ripped out two charms in a charm patch quilt because they were duplicate fabrics. My apple core charm quilt is up to over 500 different fabrics now ...
I love the give away fabric - purple and green are my favourite colour combinations ... I've never seen such a pretty tropical!
Have a lovely quilty day!
I'm Valerie from Penarth, South Wales. Haven't been doing much today except for watching ski-jumping on Tv. I've also done a little sewing on a baby quilt my sister-in-law has ordered from me. Should finish it soon
turned out very nice, i thought you told me you hadnt done anything in 5 years?!!...quilt wise anyway. i really like it, very clean and simple.
Hi, this is Sue from Niagara Falls, NY. Today I got up early , 6 AM to quilt on a quilt for my guild's upcoming quilt show auction. I read the paper and watched the news to find out what I could about the horrible plane crash taht killed 50 here in Western NY. My husband and i met a friend and took our dog for a long walk in a park in Buffalo (the sun is shining though it is only 25 degrees. I am vacuumned, I'm doing laundry, cooked an early dinner because my husband went off to a Buffalo Sabres game. Now I will watch the news, bake cookies for work tomorrow, read my blogs and watch Big Love.
That was fun.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Hi - My name is Janet and I live in Iowa - where it is cold and dreary today. Had three grandsons here today so have been busy with lots of boy noise. I love visiting your blog especially when it is cold here. You may reach me at janetorr @ iowatelecom.net to get my addy for when I win your delightful giveaway.
Hi Lisa,
I'm Tracey (Quilting in CT is my blog) and I'm here at home in CT this afternoon watching the Daytona 500 and tending to my sick 6 year old. Really I should be sewing, but I'm reading all the blog posts I missed this week.
Have a great day!
Hi Lisa I'm Linda and I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada. It's still pretty cold up here but the days are getting longer and that helps a lot!
Today I'm making lactose free lasagna for my son in law to be's birthday. He's astonished I'm doing the family birthday meal for him--and why wouldn't I--he'll be family soon!!
I've also made 31 string blocks this weekend to go to Australia for quilts to be made up. I've prepped another bunch (an old queen sized sheet gives about 63 backings!!) All in all I'm keeping pretty busy and, shucks darn, don't have time to vacuum!
Lurking Linda
Hi. My name is Pat and I live in upstate NY. Today I am working on Gail Pan's free Ghristmas BOM> It is so fun and I may even have a walling done for Christmas. I love your quilt.
Hello hello! I'm Rachel, I live in Alberta, Canada where it is very cold and snowy, and I'm sick of winter! Today I made two blocks of a BOM (I was behind) and I'm going to change my blog background. I planned to go to the gym, but I forgot it closed early on Sundays so now it's too late. So sad. I probably won't cook supper, since I don't like cooking, but I will do some laundry and marking later on.
I love your blog and have actually saved a link to your Puakenikeni quilt because I love it so much and hope to make it someday.
Oh I love how the quilt turned out. Makes me think of warmer temps. My name is Janey aka "sewstylish" I am exhausted from skiing all day with my hubby and three kids. I've also been doing some knitting to try and stay awake to watch Desperate Housewives and Brother and Sisters. I'm also looking forward to getting some quilting done this week since my kids have winter break from school so we will have some relaxing days at home in between a few hours of skiing each day. I also was remembering visiting Hawaii years ago when my brother lived there. It was actually this time of year and I got to sun bath on the beach where they filmed point break. Thanks for such a great tour of your island.
Hi from the Prairies of Nebraska! I'm Kay from prairiequilts&kolaches.com
I spent today (Sunday) going to church, nursing a sick dh, baking bread and spent a delightful hour sitting near a sunny window, hand-quilting and listening to an book on cd. Now it's blog-reading and listening to Pandora Radio.
I love the chicken photos in your tours and the "Postcards from Hawaii" helped me realize somewhere it is 75 degrees and sunny!
Hi! My name is Norma and I live in British Columbia, Canada. I have been following your blog for quite some time. I just returned from a holiday in Arizona and California. I hope to get to Hawaii some time soon. Today I quilted with a friend in Alabama. We use MSN to communicate throughout the day - just like we are sitting in the same room. Today we are both working on our own versions of the same quilt: Cheese and Crackers by Atkinson Designs. I love your postcards from Hawaii quilt!
Hi, Lisa! I am so glad you are back to blogging!! I missed you while you were gone. I love your mini vacations! I live in Florida, so it is a great place to spend the winter. Today I worked on a quilted wall hanging which has raw edge apliqued flowers. Very fun, since I do not like to fold under all those edges! I think your Hawaiian prints would look really good in one of these quilts! I hope I win!
Hi! I'm Dawn from cold and windy Chicago! I read your blog all the time but don't often leave comments. I"m working on finishing up a blue work project which the alternating blocks are Dear Jane blocks with light and dark blue's. And by the way - your postcard quilt is WONDERFUL!
My name is Jodi. I live in Oregon. I'm so glad Dorky H.Q. is blogging again! We went to see Son No. 2 run in a track meet this weekend, and just got back. We had a great weekend. And No. 2 did really well. Lettie sent me some great Hawaiian prints a while back for my Grandmother's flower garden quilt. I had some left over's. I am thinkin your give away fabric would be perfect and I could make my own Postcards from Hawaii quilt too!
Hi--My name is Karen Singley & I live in MD. It is about 2:00 AM on Feb 16,2009. I hope I win your give away. Today I have been working on pur taxes, becasue we have an appointment with the accountant at 10:30 AM today. I am not finished, but I think I am going to take a nap for about 2 hours & start back up. I am a Long Arm quilter & I would have liked it better if I could have quilted all day. But no--I had to procrastinate about our taxes until the last minute. I just love Hawaii--we usually go about every other year--but I do not know with the economy the way it is. Anyway, I can be reached at onthecanal@atlanticbb.net if I win your give away. I love your postcard quilt. Karen
My name is Ruth, I blog at http://ruthsplace.wordpress.com and I am an Australian living in South Africa.
Today I'll be working, but this evening I'm hoping to sew another doll or two and perhaps find some time for my spinning wheel.
Your Hawaiian quilt is gorgeous and I love your Hawaii tour posts.
Don't enter me in your giveaway, postage is much to expensive to South Africa, I just thought this would be a good time to delurk...lol
Hi, my name is Aisha and I am currently living in Cardiff, Wales. Today (it's now Monday morn) I will be finishing of some mouse mittens for my son. Not sure what they will look like (I made some rabbit mittens and I think they look nothing like rabbits... LOL). Then if I get chance I will post them on my blog, so look out for the not so rabbit mittens... they will be there soon.
I love your little tours around the island, so fun. I missed you loads when you did a disappearing act, but now your back, yay.
Hi, my name is Heidi and I live in Germany, which is full of this white stuff. Maybe you've heard about it , you know, frozen water :-))
After work I'll try to find a layout for my wonky houses and hope to baste a mostly blue quilt, which will be donated.
Wow... what I wouldn't give to have a piece of Hawaii come live with me in Maine. I'm Kate, from Maine. Today I'm working even though I work in a school and it's a holiday. We are a private school so we make our own rules.
Hi, my name is Barbara and I live in Ft Lauderdale Florida. I am at work (BORING) and really would rather be home sewing.
Hi Lisa. I'm Andie. I live in Bloomington, Minnesota and today I'm starting to handquilt my ginormous American flag quilt. It has a pieced front and a pieced back so I'm very nervous about it coming out straight.
Hi, Lisa! I'm Sally in Missouri and today I am unpacking from my trip to Utah (I toured Hawaii with you while I was in Utah!), driving to town to do some necessary shopping, and coming home to work on my February table runner. I know, I know, February is almost over - well, I'm almost done with the February table runner, too! Seriously, I'd love to win your giveaway! Pick me!!!!! (Hand goes way up so you can see me)!!!
Hi! I'm Christine, I live in upstate New York and today I'm reading blogs (to feel like it's not 20 degrees outside I read about your life in Hawaii!) I'm also working and worrying about my son, who's home sick with his Grammy. I should be just working, but well- you know... wouldn't it be great to win something instead?
Thanks for the great contest!
I would love to win the Hawaiian fabric. My name is Jackie and I live in California. I am a fairly new quilter and have been learning so much on the blogs. Today I had to come to work, and it is raining cats and dogs. Next Saturday we are leaving on a 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise, so work this week will seem live 2 or 3. I do not have a blog yet, my email address is:
Hi Lisa, Good morning! I am Julie of juliekquilts.blogspot.com. Today, I am off from work, and am working on various projects, sort of a finish up day. Binding and finishing some blocks. Thank you for your generous heart! Have a wonderful day.
Hi Lisa, Good morning! I am Julie of juliekquilts.blogspot.com. Today, I am off from work, and am working on various projects, sort of a finish up day. Binding and finishing some blocks. Thank you for your generous heart! Have a wonderful day.
Hi Lisa, Good morning! I am Julie of juliekquilts.blogspot.com. Today, I am off from work, and am working on various projects, sort of a finish up day. Binding and finishing some blocks. Thank you for your generous heart! Have a wonderful day.
Sorry, Lisa, my computer is a bit screwy this AM, did not mean to enter more than once, please forgive!
OOOO pick me....My name is Bev I love in Pomona, CA. I need some sunshine, Waves and much ALOHA...Mahalo for Vacation tour. Bev
Aloha! I'm Vicki from Toronto and I'm just taking a small break from making wonky star blocks for the Bushfire Quilt Project ( http://flickr.com/groups/bushfirequiltproject/ ) to help those devistated by the fires in Australia.
I have enjoyed the virtual Kauai vacation. It has brought back fond memories of our 2 vacations there. Also love your "Postcards from Hawaii" quilt.
I love that quilt!!
My name is Melody (Eternal Sunshine), I live South of Fort Worth, Texas. And today, I am staying home with kids who are off of school, and looking up projects online.
My name is Nori, I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts (though I am from New Orleans, Louisiana and will always consider myself "from" there.) Today I'm working in the lab all day (like everyday, I'm a grad student), then going to the gym. More specifically, I'll probably be making artificial red blood cells for transfusions. Love the quilt, so bright and cheery (it's always too cold in Massachusetts).
Hi I'm Laurie from Garden City, MI just stopped working on taxes to take a look at some quilts posted on flicker today, yours is great it lead me to your blog. I am always looking for ideas and insiration for quilts. Just love your turtle quilt.
Hi, My name is Syntha. I'm a Coast Guard wife currently stationed in Kodiak, Alaska. Your blog almost makes me want to be stationed in Hawaii some day, if it weren't for the heat. I LOVE your Baby Honu quilt, it's up next after I finish my current quilt, but I'm secretly making turtles here and there already for it. Today I will be kntting Ron Weasly socks for my daughter, and scrapbooking while avoiding chores and trying not to panic at the thought that we have way too much stuff and the movers will be coming in June. And lots of UFO's need finished before then. I can be reached at syntha_green@hotmail.com
I am Melinda from Georgia and I love your postcard quilt. I am home today and have been grocery shopping and other exciting things like that. I did have tea with a friend this morning and plan to work on quilting a customer quilt this evening.
My signature is: Betty J in OKC, but my e-mail moniker is: O2bquiltn2. I love the bright colors from the Hawaiian photos! I'm checking up on my blogs feed. It's updated hourly, but read whenever I get the extra time. RIght now, Mom's napping.
My name is Laurie and I live in the Kansas City area. Today I had to hang at teh hospital with my dh since he had a minor procedure! Nothing quilty but i DEFINITELY want to make this quilt...I have fabrics from our 25th anniv trip to Hawaii!
Hi Lisa! I am neen and I am from Maine but wintering in FL. I've been working, today, on putting a prairie point border and binding a raffle quilt, for a quilt show, next month. There is a small group of women, here, that hand quilted this queen-sized quilt, in 2 weeks. Man, I got tired just watching them.
Spending the day in Orlando, tomorrow, with some 1962 high school classmates.
I LOVE your postcard quilt. If you need to get in touch with me (please!!), Howdy can tell you how.
Keep up the good work!
I am Sandra from North Carolina. I am so glad you are back to blogging. I had a wonderful Monday, my husband cooked dinner for me. I plan quilt a little before time to go to bed.I hope to win!!!!
Hi Lisa, It's Angie in Santa Rosa loving that you are back blogging! I've missed you! Your postcard quilt is wonderful! You said all you did was meander. It looks great! Do you remember Dorie Whipple from Pet. Quilt Guild. I don't know if belonged then. All her quilts were signature quilted with what became known as the Whipple Stipple! They were all beautiful. Your close meander reminded me of Dorie---I miss her. I'm sitting here reading your blog and eating homemade chicken soup with. I'm not sick! We just love homemade chicken soup! I add some of Grandma's Homemade Noodles (in the frozen section)---hmmmmm! Good!
I LOVE your blog!! I love the new postcard quilt!! Very inspiring!! My name is Joanne and I am working on binding a Freddy quilt and a 14 block techniques top!! Always practicing with my love Maria, my HQ 16! I hope I win!! What fun!!
Aloha e Lisa! My name is Mokihana; my name is the island flower of Kaua'i even though I was born and raised on O'ahu. I envy (in a very very nice way) that you can go see my sistah Peach anytime you want at Kapaia Stitchery!
The postcards quilt is fabulous! I would love to do something like it. After I finish my 'ulu Hawaiian quilt, ukuplenny knitted socks, a knitted shawl, a baby blanket and maybe even fix dinner for hubby and me!
Forgot to say I'm your Ravelry friend!
My name is tina from the center of the U.S.------ I moved from Honolulu 6 years ago and have not been back for 4 years now. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO homesick!!!!
LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE the Postcards from Hawaii Quilt, it is completely wonderful Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not quilting at the moment but knitting on my endless cabled cardigan----- seeing your quilt surely does light the fire!
My name is Donna and I live in Oklahoma. I worked this evening and reading quilt blogs is my way to wind down before heading to bed. I'm so glad you're back to blogging. You did such nice stippling on your postcard quilt.
I love your quilt! Excellent way to use up scraps and i can almost feel the sun and smell the sea from it. Refreshing!
My name is Nesta, I live in grey old England and today i am attending an aqua-natal class, listening to someone give a lecture from the environment agency and working on the scarf i am currently knitting for my mum. Unfortunately my sewing machine has packed in and needs fixing so i'm having to improve on my other crafty skills!
I love that quilt! Rectangles - great twist.
Wow! I love what you did with your postcards. You put that together fast, and it's gorgeous. I'm Diana from Northeast Ohio where we're still having 20 degrees F and snow. I'm eating bran buds with walnuts while blogging; have to leave for work in half an hour. I work in a doctors' office where I went through an entire box of tissues all by myself yesterday - yep, caught a cold from the patients. Came home and curled up under a quilt and went to sleep, woke up feeling better - like it might only be half a box today.
I'm Margaret originally from UK but now living in Spain.
I ended up here on your blog because my American penpal sent me Stash Envy for Christmas and I just finished reading it a few minutes ago. In the back of the book it gave your website address and from there I ended up on your blog.
Today I've cleaned house (how boring) and now I am about to have lunch and then make a chocolate cake to take with me when I go out tonight to a line dancing event.
I'd be thrilled to win your giveaway.
This postcard quilt is gorgeous! It looks wonderful.
My screen name is Shasta, and I live in Ohio. My plan for the day is going to work. Then when I'm done with that, I have a second job.
I am hoping to find some time this week to finish up some ATCs though.
Hi, I'm Beth from Minnesota. I'm at work today (it's now Tuesday) and will head home, eat supper, pet kitties, and head off to a Bible study.
I should be cleaning between supper and the Bible study, but I might have to dig out the fabric I bought in Hawaii last time I was there and plan my own postcard quilt!
thisisbeth at comcast dot net
Hi ... missed you while you were away from Blogland. Glad to see you back :) I'm Jan ... live in Davie, FL, which is just outside of Ft. Lauderdale. Today I'm working, but this evening I hope to be working on some applique. Doing a joint project w/an on-line friend in NJ. I'm appliqueing butterflies. She'll be doing some pieced blocks and putting the top together. She'll then send it to me and I'll do the quilting and binding. It is our intention of gifting the quilt to a Chron's patient in honor of her Dad, who is current battling the disease; and in honor of our Daughter, who lost her battle 2 years ago.
Tks for the chance for the "giveaway :)"
Your "post Card Quilt" is a real beauty :)
Hi There :-) I'm Sophie, I'm waaaayyyyyy up in New Hampshire. IT's very cold up here. Today I'm working, then going home and making baby booties from a new tutorial I found....and burp cloths...and pants...for my 2 month old :-) I think I'm addicted to fun little tutorial projects!
My e-mail is ashoakthorn369@yahoo.com
Hi Lisa,
My name is Robin , I live in Washington state, and today I am babysitting my precious granddaughter. I love reading your blog and have enjoyed your books. Many laughs and sharing them with my DH.
Aloha Lisa, O Paula (aka orchidgal) ko'u inoa. Paula (aka orchidgal) is my name! I live in Bellingham, WA and Wainiha Valley, Kauai. Right now I am on the "madland" taking care of my mother who is terminally ill. I cope by keeping the creative juices and hands flowing. Right now I am delving into New pathways for sock knitters, and working on the first project "little sky sock", hoping to learn something new. Also working on patches for a crazy quilt using?????? You won't believe this but Hawaiian fabrics! Both old and new. I love the combined technologies of machine and hand stitching, adn the creative embelishments you can add. I've gotta add how I LOVE LOVE LOVE your site, and your creativity. It is eye candy to me, and also gives me a dose of my beloved Kauai. Mahalo nui loa for your generous giveaway. And may the best wahine/kane win!
Aloha Paula pjkeeler@gmail.com
Hi! I'm LauraJ from Las Vegas. We love your little turtles and when we ordered our pattern from you, you were so kind to include a fabulous charm square of beautiful Hawaiian fabric! What a treat! Your Postcard quilt is beautiful. What a fun idea!
Today is a regular day, kids off to school, choir, band rehersal, sewing lessons, softball practice, dentist appointment...okay, I'm tired just typing it. Someday I'll be able to visit your beautiful state in person...but for now, I'll dream...
Your quilt is stunning...very vibrant...I really love it. Your fabric selections are delectable!!!!!
Oops...and I forgot to tell you, my name is Cathleen...I live in Ohio and I am babysitting my 16 month old granddaughter and trying to knit a dishcloth while chasing after her. Tonight my husband is picking up something from Chipoltes to eat for supper so I don't have to cook!
Hello Lisa, I'm deb4 and I'm in England. Today, on holiday from work, I've finished reading your book and thought I'd look on your website before carrying on with the baby quilt I'm sewing. I didn't have to cook dinner today, because yesterday I cooked and froze 28 dinners! This means - in theory - that I will have much more sewing time in the evenings after I go back to work. I love the 'Postcards from Hawaii' quilt and hope I win the giveaway.
Hello Lisa, My name is Fiona from Dragonfly-Crafts, Central NSW, Australia. After work today I have to drive 2 hours there and back to pick up my Son from TAFE. Hopefully I'll get to stitch a bit when I get home. xx
Love the Postcard Quilt. Just gorgeous.
Lisa - that quilt is wonderful! I like simple to make quilts that are stunning, and Hawaiian fabrics are some of my favorites...one of my quilty goals is to make your Hula Huts:) Anyway, I'm Angie from Washington state, and I am so glad that you've started blogging again! I have signed up for a bunch of quilters blogs since I don't personally know a local quilter, and it makes me feel less alone.
Have a wonderful day!
Angie panda719@ncidata.com
Oh yes - what am I doing today? Well, I'm purging my book collection and making a mess of book piles all over my living room and entryway and just got off the phone with a good friend in TX.
Angie (panda719@ncidata.com)
I am Jo. I live in farm country in Iowa. Tonight I am hoping to put the binding on a civil war print block of the month quilt did last year. I am dreading supper because I don't have a clue of what sounds good to make! I would love to win the fabric and get out of my civil war fabric mode.
My name is Carmen. I am from Nebraska where today it was 50+ degrees. Right now, I'm watching American Idol. Took the easy way out and made chicken salad tonight with chicken strips and bagged lettuce.
My name is Codi, from Southern California. I am at work today, looking at blogs and dreaming about quilting. hopefully i will have some time after work tonight. I have some wonky stars i want to make. I'd love to be entered in your give away, codiandtim@gmail.com
I'm Jan E. and I just became a grandma for the first time yesterday, so I am spending the days hugging and cuddling and thanking God for this most marvelous of blessings. I love your blog and your beautiful work.
This a really fun! I love the way the "postcards" stand out again the background. Bravo!
hi lisa...i'm jacquie from kansas and i'm desperately trying to redo my auction quilt that is DUE now. (starting over was probably not the most sane decision i've ever made). just wanted to say hi!
I know I'm too late for the giveaway, but I have to comment anyway.
This quilt is amazing! I love everything about it...all the white, the gobs of texture,and those gorgeous prints!
I wish Kentuckian prints were as yummy(or even in existence)...sadly, you won't be seeing a Postcards from Kentucky on my blog.
Uh... rats! I missed the Giveaway!
Anyway, your quilt is adorable. I love how the white background sets off the bright colorful prints.
Lisa, Are the postcards finished 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 ??? or 4x6 finished? I put a picture of the postcard quilt as the background on my children's side of the computer. Opps. I meant to decorate my own side. But with all the fabric in this house they are pretty understanding (used to the abuse). laelwut@yahoo.com
I *Love* this quilt!!! bah...another idea that I'd love to do!! my list of quilts is getting loooong
this quilt is BEAUTIFUL! Do you think a newbie to sewing and never quilted before could make one like it?
I love Hawaii, and I love your blog! I would love those fabrics. I don't have a blog, but my e mail is rtolton@afconnect.com. Love, Tricia
Love your quilt. I should post my hawaiian quilt but it isn't done, only the top.
I lived in Hawaii for 4 1/2 years. I love to use scraps the most. I mooch and purchase them.
my blog isn't only about quilting but it is lifeasposted.blogspot.com
i'm new to blogging and i don't update often.
Gorgeous quilt!
aloha, my name is stacy, I live on oahu and I'm making postcards too!
Lisa, my name is Lesley, from Broken Arrow, OK. Working with a friend in Dallas on designing a quilt for a young friend and her family whose little boy (twin) of 3 years who has a malignant tumor in his tummy living in Houston. Designing a quilt to give them with their Texas Tech University (Lubbock, TX) colors with names, scripture, etc.
Watching the snow flakes come straight down, praying for little Nathan while planning.
Thanks for allowing me to share this with you and your readers.
Aloha, Lisa. My name is Vickie Newman and I am visiting Kauai, where I saw your beautiful postcard quilt...which led me to this site. I know I missed the drawing, but I had to comment, your quilt inspired me so! I've bought lots of fabric in the two shops here on the island and cannot wait to get home to start using them in my quilts.
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