Sunday, January 20, 2008

Keiki Hula Mini Quilt

I made this mini Keiki Hula for a store sample. Bright, isn't it? It took me several years after I moved to Kauai to start using these bright fabrics, but if you've ever visited a fabric store in Hawaii, you'll understand why quilt samples have to be so bright. The stores are a riot of color! Rows and rows of Hawaiian prints and batiks and brights--if you don't compete color-wise, your quilt is destined to be a wallflower. I've made "tasteful" quilts with subdued colors for class samples and when displayed at Kapaia Stitchery--they look like sun baked mud next to all the retina-burning samples.

It's a tough quilt world here in Hawaii, baby. Gotta compete. Ouch.

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