Monday, August 24, 2009

Feather Challenged

Remember these blocks? The ones you've been staring at on my neglected blog for over a month?
At long last, I bring you....closure. Or should I say "clothes"-ure?

The "Better than Laundry" quilt is done. Here it is on my bed:

I lost track of how many shirts, dresses and skirts I used to make this quilt. I even used a pair of men's pajamas! I had a ball.

While my son was home for summer, we watched the "Twin Peaks" series from Netflix. I think that's how this quilt ended up so "mountain-cabin-in-Snowhomish" looking. I certainly doesn't look like it belongs in Kauai, but that's okay. Change is fun.

The only fabric I purchased was for the black border. The rest of this quilt was made from my last-chance stash (destined for rag rugs) and old clothing.

I had fun with the quilting. Sunbursts, spirals, leaves, flames, feathers...yikes.

I'm okay with leaves and swirls, but feathers defeat me. This quilt is an oversized KING comforter (!), so I thought I would tackle feathers on the gigantic black border with black fine thread. I thought by the time I feathered FOUR large, wide borders, I'd be great at feathers!

Nope. I guess my next few quilts will have to stay plucked for now.

Can you see the feathers in the black border below? No? Good. about this...can you spot the fur in the next picture?

Mr. Bigglesworth inspects my latest. Oh...and as long as we're playing "I Spy"....did you spot my new quilt hanger?

It's quite big for a quilt hanger, yes?

Yep...I'm surprised, too. My husband bought me this for my 51st birthday. I told him that my friend Joe was selling his Gammill, and the next thing you know, the Gammill was parked in our living room. Well...not exactly "the next thing you know." It required six people and a twelve-foot trailer, plus lots of noises like, "oof" and "ow," not to mention some major bruises and back pain.

I'm floored. For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed about owning one of these machines. I can hardly believe it when I see it in my very own sewing room. Pinch me.


Howdy said...

WoooHooo and A Happy Birthday to You!

Looks like you've had a great summer! Love the quilt... all my favorite warm and fuzzy colors!

Good to see ya around!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Awesome! The quilt, the birthday surprise and the quilting, well done on each and every count! Happy days!

loulee said...

Happy Birthday, what a gift. Your DH is a keeper!
Your quilt looks fantastic, who cares if your feathers are not perfect, your quilt inspector seems happy with it.

Heckety said...

Love the quilt! My Mom always carefully inspects my quilts to check I haven't nicked any of her clothes- her summer skirts are particularly useful...I'm jeasous of your Gammill, I was ogling them at the quilt show!

MichelleB said...

The quilt is wonderful! Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new machine! What a wonderful, thoughtful birthday gift.

Jan said...

Gorgeous quilt and OMG and congratulations on your fabulous new "best friend!" Your honey did good and I wish you many, happy, healthy years of stitching together :) Ohhhhh and I think the feathers look great!

Joy said...

Love the quilt!!! It's simply gorgeous. As for the Gammill .... I'm GREEN .... absolutely GREEN with envy ;o)!!!!
Have fun quilting on it you lucking thing ;o) ....
Joy :o)

Joy said...

"lucking" ... oops, I meant lucky ;o) ...
Joy :o)

SandyQuilts said...

Yahooooooooo that's wonderful. Happy (belated) Birthday.

Andi said...

What an amazing gift!!
Happy birthday to you!!!!
Andi :-)

Sally said...

Okay, I am officially JEALOUS and green with envy! I am so excited for you with your new (used) Gammill. You will surely enjoy it immensely. Happy, Happy Birthday, Lisa.

Lynn W. said...

Gorgeous quilt and fabulous birthday gift. Every quilter should have her own Gammill.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic quilt! Reminds me of Bonnie's it!! Oh and got to love that birthday gift! (better than diamonds!!) Woo Hoo...enjoy it!!

ladydi said...

Does all this mean you're feeling better?? I hope so! I LOVE the quilt, and what an amazing birthday present - better than cake! Did you quilt the new quilt on the new machine? You did an awesome job.

Jo Anne said...

Pinch...pinch...pinch! Can't wait to see it in person (the quilt and Gammil).....Yoo Hooooooo~!

Elaine Adair said...

This is one amazing creation! Stunning - you outdid yourself. What eye candy for the rest of us who have not used up all the shirts we've beeen hoarding! 8-)))

Anonymous said...

This quilt is beautiful! And lucky you!

Lisa said...

LOL! That cat is GOING to lay on that quilt, by golly!

Congratulations on your beautiful new machine/setup, and happy birthday! Your quilt is charming, and such a wonderful use of old clothes!

Julie in the Barn said...

Wow, no wonder you've not had time to blog! That quilt is fabulous. Happy Birthday and congrats on your new quilt hanger.

Unknown said...

The quilts are awesome...
I love the colors..
Wireless Home Alarm Security Systems

anne from finland said...

Congrats to you, the new quilt and your Gammill! The quilt is fantastic! I can so well understand that Mr. Bigglesworth loves it!

The Rabbit Factory said...

Love your quilt! Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Irishgirlsews said...

Your quilt is absolutely wonderful, I think that you used pieces of clothing enhances it even more, & your quilting is smashing. Great job.
Remember the old saying "Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without". My mom & Grandma lived by those words.

Rosa said...

love your quilt and the colors you chose.

Libby said...

That is one sweet birthday treat *S* Enjoy!

susan said...

i am so envious! what is it? it looks like you have the needle up/down function and i am sure the stitch regulator. ya know what... i have talked with long armers and they say they dont really like that regulator after they have been free motioning on their own. jeni didnt like it at all while she was demoing one, after she turned that function off she really liked the machine. i love our frame. i cannot tell you how much i hate the "pro" frame gammil sells. for $1500 was a total rip off and am still made about it. it has you put the quilts in almost upside down, i still have a hard time with it. i wish mark would of just made a new frame with my old metal pieces i brought from kauai. i would like to upgrade to the one just above the premier, the classic i think it that what yours is. you just for it girl. what a sweetie of clayton!

Anonymous said...

WOW Congrats. I hope you are not planning on moving house for a while? LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! Congratulations on your new "quilt hanger" - you are going to love it..and the feathers DO get better! LOL


Paula said...

Beautiful! And so awesome that you recycled the fabric. Your work is incredible beautiful and creative, and I have oh so much fun reading and watching your post.

Happy Birthday fellow Kauai girlie
Aloha Paula

artfilstitch said...

Your quilting and quilts are awesome. Happy Birthday and congrats on the Gammill will love it. Good husbands are a womans' Best Friend! I'm working on a baby quilt using your Baby Honu is looking beautiful.

Pat said...

GREAT that you got that Gammill!!! AND...if the "Better Than Laundry" quilt just never looks like it fits in with your Hawaiian environment, you can send it to southern Delaware (to me) and I'm sure it will fit in just fine here. LOL Glad you are back...kept checking your blog every couple of days and wondered when you're pay us a visit!!!

Busy Little Quilter said...

The quilt is beatiful! I think your feathers are great. I've tried feathers and all I can say is that I'm so glad I have a best friend with a Gammill!

Happy Birthday and congratulations on your Gammill!! I'm excited for you!

Beth said...

Lisa, I too just recieved a (new to me)Gammill! I am taking an online feather class called Feather Bootcamp on MQResource. It is taught by Suzanne Earley (Meandering Magic author). It is AWESOME and she breaks down each stem for CHALLENGED like ..ME! Have you made friends with/named your Gammill yet? not me..but soon I hope!

tina said...

Happy Gamill to you, er, Happy Birthday! :)

Helen said...

Great post, love the quilt, covet the quilt hanger :-)

Mary Anne Drury said...

Well !!!! Your laundry looks SPECTACULAR !!!! (I'll be sending ours right over on the next boat .... do you think you could do anything with socks that USED to be white?)

Anyhow ..... LOVE the quilt and I'm pea green with envy over your new quilting toy !!!! (and happy b-day !)

Anonymous said...

You really are the most amazing inspirer! I have a stash of plaids... if I used them up it would be one less thing blocking the pathway in the hall. Thanks for sharing yet another "dream" quilt. Lael

pat sloan said...

that is MORE than wonderful.. and it fits so nice in your studio!

Tine said...

Happy Birthday!!! And congratulations on your new quilt hanger ;) What an awesome (in every sense of the word) present!
I love the quilt, it is very snowy-cabin-ish, absolutely perfect!

sewbusy said...

Happy Birthday.....nice gift!! Just got back from Kauai, saw your quilt in the Kapaia Stitchery Window, love it even more in person. Made several nice purchases in the shop (love that place and such nice people that work there). Had a wonderful time on the island, will be starting to build our home there within the next two years (God willing) have the property already. Went to the fair on Thursday, kept my eyes open for island celebrity Lisa Boyer but also no...:( Hope you are feeling better, love the new quilt.

Salem Stitcher said...

I love the quilt!

And now I have Gammill-envy.

CarmiƱa said...

Love the fabrics and colors of your quilt, nice quilting enjoy your Gammil.
i'm 51 too.

qusic said...

congrats to birthday and present, Mr Bigglesworth is a worthy quilt inspector, a little bit of fur is least what they leave, sometimes they even leave some small claw punctures of pure excitement.Purrr!

Jodi Nelson said...

It's fabulous! Wow. ;o)

Brenda said...

Th quilt looks great the colors remind me of fall.

GloJoeSews said...

Wow. What a beautiful achievement!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a wonderful quilt! And the quilting is gorgeous too! WOW!
You have a wonderful hubby to treat you to that quilt hanger for your birthday!

happy zombie said...

I love fabric shopping and enjoying new fabric just like everyone else, but there's something about pre-loved pieces from the fabrics of our lives (I think I stole "fabrics of our lives" from the Cotton asso. of somethingorother). I just love it and it must be so fun to see pieces and remember the time (now I'm stealing from Michael Jackson).

I do love that's it's got a Snohomish look. It's the perfect look... the perfect dorky homemade look (I stole that from you). I'm so gaga over your quilt, Lisa. The fabrics, the blocks, the setting... the quilting on your birthday Gammill!

Happy Birthday! xoxom

Janis said...

Happy birthday and a big CONGRATS on the ultimate gift! Your quilt is gorgeous too. LOVE the fact that it used old clothing. In the rich tradition of utilitarian quilting . . . Cheers to you!

Nettie said...

Hey, congratulations!! And your finished quilt looks beautiful with those dark borders.

Caroline said...

I just found your blog (9-17-09)... CONGRATS on the finished quilt... I absolutely LOVE your books... My husband bought me both last Cmas (my request) and I read them in a matter of days... I couldn't put them down... As a novice quilter (self taught) of 4 years, your books were exactly what I needed to read... Thank you!!! I look forward to reading your blog... Update when you can...

mimi said...

Hi Lisa, Happy Belated Birthday! You are doing great on your machine-quilting! What is the name of the block you made the quilt, of your old clothes? Love the blooms on the tree! Thanks-Mimi