Father and son jamming on their various ukes built by my husband. Angela was playing too (she's over to the left, just out of this picture), while I was soaking it all in.
Grayson and I also had a teeny tiny fruit/vegetable/herb stand for the summer. We made Grayson a little pocket change for college this way.
Even Mr. Bigglesworth couldn't help but soak in every single precious moment with his big brother home:
Obviously, all of us wanted to relax and live in the moment.
Grayson goes back to college in a couple of weeks, so I'll probably have more time to blog once I get caught up on things. Actually, it was Grayson that fervently suggested I update my blog today--he didn't like that you were all concerned about me. I wrote a few of you individually and tried to explain, but as always, I got overwhelmed by email and had to give up for a while! Somehow, I have to try and find some balance. Please bear with me while I re-group and figure out how to participate in Blogland again.
I do have some wonderful "What I Did on my Summer Vacation" pictures to share with you! Perhaps in a couple of weeks, I can start posting again with some regularity. In the meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy my son's last couple of weeks at home and try very hard not to get too sad when we have to put him on the plane again.
Aloha and A Hui Hou for now.
Well I've been missing your posts and am happy to find you're back online when you can find the time. It's great. :)
Welcome back! We all need a break from the routine once in a while, but I look forward to more of your fun posts.
How wonderful to see a post from you -- but more wonderful that you've been having such a great time with your son home! The blogging world will be here when you have time.
It was a pleasure to read about your wonderful family summer gathering! You're right, there is no way you cannot treasure those moments.
Thank you for sharing!
HI! And welcome back :-) It's good to hear, that life intervened in a happy way! I hope you have a great time with your son these last couple of vacation-weeks, and will look forward to reading your posts again later on :-)
Good to see that you are well. Enjoy the family while you have the chance, it doesn't last long. Really been missing your posts and can't wait to see you back on a regular basis, until then take care of all of you <(*!*)>
Thanks for checking in - I thought you had mentioned that Summer would be computer free... Chasing too many chickens in the surf or some other paradise nunsuch...
Its GREAT to hear from you.
Enjoy your summer, we just wanted to know that you were well.
Welcome back! It is good to hear that you have such a good time with your family!!! I can hardly wait to see those pictures you told about!
she's alive, she's alive! LOL
So glad you popped in to let us know you are alive n doing well. Sounds like you've had a good summer. I was checking my blog lines and I see that Dorky is in bold! Whew Who! That was a great surprise! ooxx~jodi
good to see you and read a little of your family life, which you should indulge in. my kids were at home for the last four weeks thus my posting has been sparse too. we'll be back strong again in autumn.
Live long and prosper
Welcome back! You were missed but so glad to hear you are enjoying your summer and were able to fully enjoy your son's visit. :o)
Well, thank goodness you are alright. Welcome back....please don't be gone so long next time...we miss you so!
It sounds like you're really happy with your whole family back home. I don't blame you for choosing family over blogging!! Thanks for checking in and letting all of us know you're ok.
good for you...family time is precious.
So glad you are back!
I'm delighted you were able to enjoy summer, and your family that is the most important thing in the world!
Our busiest time is the summer so somehow it gets to be November and I forgot we even HAD summer. Long gone are the days of lazy days. Sigh.
Continue to do what you need to do for YOU...........
Hi Lisa! It's good to see you. I bet it has been so wonderful to have your son home this summer.
Gotta treasure those ukulele moments!
Well, thank goodness you are alive & well. So glad to hear that you have been enjoying the summer with your family. I've given you an award to welcome you back to the blogging world. Accept if you like... or not. You are deserving either way! Your posts no matter how frequent are an inspiration.
Knew you were alive... just too busy enjoying life to sit down at the "Big time waster" and take time from your family.
Enjoy them!! It's hard living far from family.
Look forward to your posts when life slows down.
Happy Summer !
Yay! I missed you. I'm glad to hear you've had so much fun you haven't had time to blog. What a great problem to have. Enjoy your time with your family!
i almost didnt check you out, got tired of those dumb box jellies, wow! glad you had a wonderful summer. i was watching the quilt show with alex anderson and i cant remember who was their guest quilter, but she was the one who originated the "squiggles" i believe. now, i am going to have to go back and watch and then i can let you know. i really like that show. my garden has stuggled with our very kool summer...last week was 40 and 50s! when mark went to work the other day it was only 38! geez la wheez but the wild flowers are cranking...have been since april. absolutley amazing. miss you and the rest of the kauai gals
Happy to see a post from you, I figured you were just busy soaking up summer. I can only imagine how many guests you get living in Hawaii, I'm sure everyone suddenly becomes a besty.
It looks like you are having a blast, I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit with your son. I will still be awaiting your extraordinary skills to ooh and ahh.
Welcome back, you've been missed! your flowers/herbs are lovely. Glad you enjoyed precious time with your family.
It's great to see you again!
I'm glad you are having a wonderful time with family. That's way more important!
Keep enjoying each and every moment!
It's lovely to see a post from you, especially with such precious family time. Also, since I only discovered your blog in late April, I look forward to your return!
Great to see you! Love your do! have a good end of the summer and enjoy your days with your son!
Hi Lisa! Nice to see you! Glad to hear you've been spending your time wisely .... and if you figure out that balance thing , let me know !!! (i'm completely UNBALANCED and have been for years!!!)
Yay! Good to see you again Lisa! Enjoy every moment!
(quote)---it was Grayson that fervently suggested I update my blog today--he didn't like that you were all concerned about me.
Thank you Grayson for urging your mother to post something on her blog so we can breathe a sigh of relief! Yes, we have been concerned about your mothers long absence. We missed her, and she was gone waaaay too long! We are glad you, mom and dad are having a wonderful summer together.
Family times are so precious.
Love the flowers, and tell your Mom she looks great in her summer tan and cute haircut!
Have a wonderful Fall semester back at college.
I am so glad you are back! I spent like 2 hours studying your quilt pics and techniques on your blog awhile back and had the best time. Then, you disappeared. I'm looking forward to checking in more often. Amie, Tn. :o)
So happy to hear from you again! Glad you've been taking it easy, and enjoying the good moments in life! Look forward to your future "balanced" blogging!
Enjoyed your post today, glad you're having a great summer with family. The uke's are beautiful and I bet the sound is wonderful. Does your husband ever build the dulcimer? (not sure if they are known in your area) Nothing like the sound of music!
Welcome back aboard! Missed you. But enjoy your family first and foremost!
FINALLY!!! We've missed you Miss Lisa!!!!!
Welcome back, Lisa! We've missed you!
So glad you are enjoying your summer vacation with your family.... I'm looking forward to your next post about your summer. :-D
Yay! Lisa's back! I had stopped checking your blog, and here is is 12 days ago that you posted, and me just noticing today. I often think of you, and send thanks your way for introducing me to the fun of blogland. I would never have gotten started if not for you, and now I am having such fun, and have met some lovely gals.
Hi Lisa: I looked up "quilt shops on Kauai 2 wks. ago, since we were coming here for vaca, and "discovered" you!! (along with Kapaia Stitchery!!). AND, here we are now!!
I've used your Kauai tour guide for the last couple days, and the husband and kiddo have enjoyed it greatly (well, Kurt and I did, Kevin (16) is "kindda bored"). Got your book, a signed edition no less -- can you tell I'm a fan? Anyone who uses "dorky" has gotta be my new BFF!!
We are staying at the Kaha Lani, loving every minute of this beautiful, restful, awesome land. Kevin has never really seen the ocean at work (we live in Seattle), and THAT is NOT boring!!
Thanks for your highly entertaining blog, book and patterns (with finger numbing tie-ties). I'll be able to connect your comments, pictures and patterns to the land from which they come.
Oh yeah, glad you didn't drop off the end of the world!!
Bonnie G
Here you are! Was about to send out Search & Rescue! Your summer sounds wonderful!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Lisa!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Wooohooo! So good to see you!!
Grayson, thank you so much for thinking about us! Best to you this coming semester!
*settles down to wait patiently for next post*
Wonderful to hear from you. Glad you had a good summer with your handsome son!
Glad to see you're back!
Looking very forward to seeing your summer vacation photos. Your field trips are some of my favorite!
missed you, welcome back!
Welcome back! Glad you had a nice family summer. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful works when you find the time!
Oh Great! I'm glad you're still here.... I'm feeling a bit the same, no time for blogging at the moment either.
I DO know that Wazuu is back in session SO you must now have some time on your hands, i.e. to blog per chance?
Loved the Island. Best lunch was in Waimea at the Shrimp Shack. Bought 34 yds. of fabric at the Stitchery, your 2 books, Happy Honu pattern and came home tanned, rested and ready.
Your tours were great, the humidity wet, the ocean AWESOME.
BFF, Bonnie
This is my 1st time reading your blog. Looks like a great family! My 9 yr old daughter would love the jam sessions!
what lovely pictures they have been making me smile and its lovely to see your family play with instruments how fascinating.. my partner is a guitar freak and loves unusual instruments to record while me,,,, love my quilting.
Congratulations on your win!!!
So are you STILL still alive?
Ok, dear Lisa, time for a new post! Hee! Have a wonderful day...what have you been working on?
I think I can say for all, that we all miss you and your quilt and Kauai stories. Wishing you a Happy Holidays, and hoping to see you again in the New Year.
Hello? Hello?
(* taps microphone *)
Is this thing on?
Hope you come back soon. I have missed reading your blog. :-)
Where ARE you? How ARE you?
ALOT of people MISS you!
PLEASE make my day again!
are u gonna update your poor bloggy?
WELL! are you STILL alive?!
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